The fourth round of the 2011 World Amateur Chess Championship ended around 21.00 pm. Indian player Akshat Chandra and two Turkish players; Timur Ozdemir, Senol Sahin entered the fifth round without losing any point. Bert Oudvorst Van from Netherlands and Ibrahim Sevin from Türkiye are following the leaders with 3,5 points. There will be free day tomorrow. The fifth round of the championship will be played on Thursday at 16.00 pm.

Indian player Viyaj Kumar Pakkurti came to the round 30 minutes earlier

Kastriot Caushaj from Albenia born in 1953

Turkish player Ozkal Arayici seems to find a bright move

Asela Prabajith from Sri Lanka

Mehmet Haci Ulusal is getting ready for the game by receiving relaxing massage

Turkish player Suleyman Savran has 3 points after the last round

Teh Eu Wen Aron from Malaysia - Elo 1825 |